Friday, July 28, 2006

More surgery

Well talking to the vet this morning, it seems that cedar's wound has opened up and is draining with the infection. She needs to knock him out again and clean it out really well as you can see the metal plate that they put in his knee.

she is going to insert a drain so that the infection will continue to drain out at home.

My poor baby.

This means that he is going to have yet a 3rd surgery to remove the plates and screws or they can cause severe long term damage such as cronic soft tissue infection or bone infections. Sigh

They are hoping to get him home to us tonight although it is 2 and I haven't heard
from them yet.

I miss my fuzzy buddy


It looks like Cedar has an infection at the site of the surgery. He has responed well to the fluids and antibiotics and his temperature is down to normal again. They are not sure why he had such a reaction to the infection so they are going to hang on to him overnight and see what happens.

I hate not having my dog at home. It's just weird.

Bad news

Cedar has a temperature of 104.8 - not good
They are going to keep him at the hospital and give him IV fluids and antibiotics and run tests to see what is going on.
We are really worried

Day 14 the shit hits the fan

Well I came home this afternoon and Cedar didn't try to come to the door to greet me like he usually does. Infact he barely lifted his head to see me when I came to him.
He also hadn't eaten anything - which is agains the law of being a Lab.

We have called the vet and are taking him in.

day 12 - staples come out

Yeah no more staples which means no more cone which makes everyone happy.

The best part is that they OK'd small walks. 2 houses out and back which is nothing but it will make my boy very happy since he hasn't gone anywhere but to the back yard to go potty.

He still has a seroma under his knee which they looked at again and said it is fine. They are impressed with how he is using his leg.

one week

Cedar has some fluid under the incision which is called a seroma. It's to be expected but it seems like a lot so we took him in to see the surgen. She drew some of the fluid and looked at it under the microscope and it is fine. We just need to do the warm compresses and it should resolve.

We also discontinued any pain meds because they are making him anxious. He seems much more relaxed without them.

we can't wait to get the stitches out so he doesn't have to wear the cone anymore at bedtime. He hasn't been wearing it since we have been with him all the time. Thank goodness for daddy's flexible schedule and the fact that I am a stay at home mom.

Day 3

Hey welcome back to my dog. His mood is greatly improved today and there has been no more whining. Infact today I think the sedatives are going to come in very handy. Cedar is using his leg really well and I really think that he has forgotten that it is technically broken. As his vet put it Labs have 2 neurons - one for food and one for fun.

His knee looks great, he has some fluid in the ankle which we were expecting and are doing hot compresses and gentle massage to help it go away.

I think now we are all settled in for the long long 8 week recovery.

Night one sucked

Well night one sucked. He is not allowed on the bed where he usually sleeps so we have confined him and his bed and blanket into an x-pen right beside our bed. The second we layed down and turned out the light last night he cried and cried and cried. So Daddy took his pillow and blanket and got in the x-pen with him and that is where he slept. Cedar cried a few times in the night but was sushed back to sleep by Daddy.

He's home

Well our baby is home.. We have been warned that the next 24-48 hours are going to really suck. So far they are right.
He is whining a lot which is something he never does. He is just laying there crying. Is he in pain? Does he feel funny from the meds? Does he need to go potty? It is going to be a long day.
His incision looks great a long line of 20ish staples on the inside of his knee. He is shaved from hip to toes on the surgery leg and there are various patches of shaved skin elsewhere. One front leg where the IV was, the top of his butt where the spinal medication was, and the non surgical back leg where he has a pain patch that he will keep on for a few days.
He is having some urinary incontinace -dripping- that I am sure is from being so drugged up but another lovely side effect.
He is on antibiotics, pain pills and of course sedatives. It's quite a handfull of pills but a little peanut butter makes everything go down easier.

It's over

The surgen called and said that everything went great. The surgery only took 50 minutes and from what I have been reading that is really quick. She said that the screws all sunk properly the first time. He has to spend the night but seems to be doing well.


So today is surgery day for Cedar. Jon dropped him off this morning and said that Cedar didn't want to go with the nurse when it was time. I hope that the staff is ready for a dog who barks a lot when confined. He really hates crates and being confined and lets you know. He has to spend the night and I am sure that the staff will be happy with the availability of sedatives.

Oh no TPLO

So it's confirmed. Cedar our 5 year old yellow lab needs TPLO. We have no idea what actually caused the injury but he has been limping on and off for a year and pretty consistantly for the last couple of months so it seems like time. I am really dreading the surgery and recovery but since Cedar is such a big young energetic dog it's really the only choice. It has been a long time for him of leash walks, no fetch and no playing on the beach which just makes labs sad.