Saturday, August 05, 2006

Slowly trying to kill his momma

So Cedar has turned into one of those dogs that other people have. He doesn't like being confined in anyway which I knew from his puppy days, however since we have tile and wood floors we need to keep him on the carpet so that he doesn't slip.

The last time he got left alone, we put him in our empty room and he destroyed the molding around the door. Today we needed to all go out and fenced him in the living room thinking that it would work better.

We were WRONG.

We come home and the fence is exactly where we left it, however the dog is on the wrong side. He somehow managed to escape (we think over the coffee table onto the couch and over the arm. Then he had what could be described as the best dog day ever. Counter surfing, getting into the garbage, humping his bed and god knows what else he did before we got back.

He is limping a little more but hopefully he is just sore from doing too much and hasn't hurt himself.

I swear this dog is going to be the death of me. It's a really good thing that I love him

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